Viviane's Story

It was a Sunday afternoon when Viviane walked into her kitchen and found her nine month old nephew sitting in his highchair. His babysitter was feeding him rice and beans. Everything seemed fine.

A few minutes passed when Viviane heard her nephew let out a slight cough. She turned around and, feeling that something wasn’t right, unstrapped the baby from the highchair. Suddenly, the baby’s face started turning purple—he was choking on his lunch.

Viviane immediately grabbed her nephew out of the high chair, laid him across her arm and started giving him back blows. With every blow, she became increasingly fearful that her baby nephew may have swallowed way too much at once. His face was getting more and more purple by the second.

As tears rolled down her face, Viviane continued to give it her all, fearing the worst but praying for a salvation. With one more hard blow, a full clump of rice and beans came shooting out of her nephew's mouth and he began to breathe again.

Viviane had taken one of Blink’s summer classes two years earlier, and that afternoon she used the training to save her nephew's life. 

Lew Esses