
Mission  |  Team  |  Partners


Our Mission

There is nobody better at doing what Hatzalah does than Hatzalah. But many times, they arrive on scene only to realize it's too late. The thinking was always that "no one can beat Hatzalah's record response time". And its true—no EMT or ambulance service can. But we, you and I, can. In August of 2014, we had a brilliant idea, an idea that will lead to many, many lives being saved. 

We asked ourselves: What if we, the ones who pick up the phone to call Hatzalah, knew what to do before Hatzalah arrives? What if we could at least do something? Minutes would be saved. Lives would be saved.

So we began an initiative to train the entire community with life-saving skills, like CPR and the Heimlich. So that if anything ever happens, we won't panic and stand around helplessly waiting for Hatzalah, rather we can turn those critical seconds into the life-saving ones they really could be. And when Hatzalah arrives on scene, it won’t be too late. Those seconds will have been transformed from someone's last into a new breath of life.

With G-d’s help, we’ve been fortunate enough to train over 10,000 community members to date, who in turn have saved over 50 lives—that we know of. And this is just the beginning.


Our Team


Board of Directors

Lew Esses | President
Diana Esses | Vice President
David Zami | Treasurer
Brenda Chalouh | Secretary
Jeff Grazi | Board Member

Advisory Board

Avi Aboud
Adam Azrak

Ezra Dayan
Alan Esses




Barbara Savdie | Director of Operations
Joey Pinhas | Director of Technology
Jack Sardar | Operations Coordinator


Jeff Grazi | Director of Marketing
Marcia Mizrahi | Marketing Coordinator
Laurie Mosseri | Marketing Coordinator
Jeanie Schrem | Graphic Design


Robert Lederman | Madison Programs
And his team of 50+ highly qualified & certified instructors


Our Partners

Special thanks to our partners, whose support and guidance have been instrumental in our continued growth
