Felix's Story

4-year-old Jack and his family went to Hathaway beach on July 4th weekend to relax and have some fun. Jack had a blast dipping his feet in the ocean with his brothers and sisters, and nothing was better than building castles out of the wet sand.

At some point, Jack got hungry and asked his mother for the snack bag. After rummaging through the snacks, Jack picked out a bag of pretzels and went to go sit on his little lounge chair.

Excited to snack on his favorite pretzels, Jack ripped open the bag and stuffed his mouth with a few of them. A few moments later, though, his eyes opened up in horror. The pretzels had joined together in his throat, and he was completely unable to get them to go down. He couldn’t breathe at all. He was choking.

He tried yelling, but he wasn’t able to make a sound. He quickly ran over to his parents with his hands wrapped around his neck. He was desperately trying to squeeze the pretzels out but to no avail.

Immediately upon seeing his son in danger, his father sprang into action, got behind his youngest son and began to perform the Heimlich Maneuver. One strong blow to the chest after another, Jack’s father prayed for a miracle as the tears rolled down his and his wife’s face. A few seconds later, a clump pretzels came flying out of Jacks mouth and he was breathing again.

Jack’s father knew how to help his son when he needed it the most, thanks to the hand of Hashem and the Blink course he attended just one summer earlier.

Lew Esses